Fire Products

Allspice (Pimenta dioica)

With a flavor that resembles a combination of cloves, cinnamon, and nutmeg, Allspice berries have a long history in Caribbean folk healing. They are used for Money, luck and Healing... more

Amber Resin (Pinites succinifer)

This is small pieces of true Baltic amber -- the same ancient fossilized resin that is made into jewelry. Amber resin is intensely protective and binding; it's nature is to preserve . ... more

Blackthorn (Prunus spinosa)

One of the sacred trees of Ireland and the British Isles, blackthorn is associated with the ogham letter Straif , which according to McManus' "Irish letter-names and their kennings" bears... more

Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis)

Bloodroot has a pure white flower and a stem and root that bleed red sap; in European magic it is a plant of pure life blood. In hoodoo, it is used to quell domestic problems and aid... more

Burgundy (Spruce Resin) (Picea abies)

Burgundy (Spruce Resin)

Burgundy is the resin from the Norway spruce after the turpentine has been removed. It can be used in incense, or, more commonly, in the creation of sealing waxes and balms. more

Chili Pepper (Capsicum annuum)

Chilis are the fruit of a New World plant that spread across the globe during the Columbian exchange. Chilis refer to hot varieties of one of several Capsicum species, varieties without... more

Copal Oro (Hymenaea courbaril)

Copal Oro

Gold copal has a fuller scent than copal blanco, with less of an airy quality and more fire. Traditionally, it is burned to purify the home, the temple, and on shrines to honor the... more

Dittany of Crete (Origanum dictamnus)

Dittany of Crete

Dittany of Crete is a very rare herb that only grows wild on the island of Crete used in magical practice for the development of clairvoyance and for the materialization of spirits. more

Dragon's Blood (Daemonorops draco, Dracaena cinnabari)

Dragon's Blood

We offer dragon's blood resin from two separate plants, Daemonorops draco (Indonesian Dragon's Blood) and Dracaena cinnabari (Medieval Dragon's Blood). The resins are added to spells, incense, oils and inks as blood substitutes in order to increase their power and potency. more

Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare)

Fennel has been used in sachets and incense for most magical purposes. Hung in doorways or windows, fennel protects from evil and sorcery, and placed in keyholes, it protects against... more

Frankincense (Boswellia sacra)


In Isis and Osiris, the historian Plutarch relates that Egyptian priests burned frankincense at dawn, and it's not hard to see why. The scent of frankincense which is fresh, balsam, lemony... more

Galangal (Alpina officinalis)

Also called Low John to Chew and court case root, don't confuse it with the sedge galingale. Galangal has a sharp, spicy scent good for curse-breaking, winning in court, and psychic... more

Root, whole:


High John the Conqueror Root

High John the Conqueror Root

High John the Conqueror Roots are some of the most used, varied, and powerful amulets used in Hoodoo. Anoint with High John Oil and carry as an amulet for luck, sexual power, and to control and have mastery over others. more

Manhood Curser:


Juniper (Juniperus communis)

A sharp, piney scent when burned, add juniper to protection and healing incenses. Also add juniper to sanctification incense, especially when combined with frankincense and cedar. Additionally... more

Lucky Hand Root

Lucky Hand Root

Lucky Hand Roots are orchid roots that resemble a deformed grasping hand, though some are more deformed than others. All are useful for gamblers and others who need an extra hand to get... more

1 medium root:

1 large root:


Madder Root (Rubia tinctorum)

The root of madder has been used as source of dye for wool, cotton, leather, and bone for thousands of years. Cloth dyed with madder has been found in the Tomb of Tutankamun, in ancient... more

Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans)

Nutmegs are carried as amulets to ward off illness, and are also included in many money drawing blends. An infusion of nutmeg will bring connectedness with others who drink it, and... more

Olibanum (Boswellia serrata)


This Indian cousin to frankincense has a warmer tint, with a darker citrus quality more reminiscent of orange than lemon. In general, olibanum and frankincense are interchangeable, though... more

Pine, White (Pinus strobus)

White pine is a healing and cleansing herb, particularly its leaves and resin. We offer this white pine bark powder as a base for self-burning incense related to healing and cleansing... more

Wormwood (Artemisia absinthum)

A close relative of mugwort, wormwood is the darker cousin. Once featured as an ingredient in Absinthe, it is considered by some to be a hallucinogen. Brew small amounts of wormwood into a tea to induce trance and burn over graves to summon the spirits o more