
Elder ( Sambucus nigra)

Sacred to Frau Holda, Elder has been considered a strong magical tree for centuries, strongly associated with witches and faeries alike. 'Old Lady of the Elder trees, please give me... more

Oak, White (Quercus alba)

The Oak is a tree revered by the druids for its height and strength and knowledge. We sell powdered oak bark for use in powders for these purposes or to use as base in self-burning... more

Pine, White (Pinus strobus)

White pine is a healing and cleansing herb, particularly its leaves and resin. We offer this white pine bark powder as a base for self-burning incense related to healing and cleansing... more

Sandalwood, Red (Pterocarpus santalinus)

Red Sandalwood has a scent similar to white sandalwood, but is sweeter and less cool. It shares the same magical qualities, but with more of an air slant. The best quality is from... more

White Willow (Salix alba)

White willow is a plant sacred to Hekate and is associated with graveyards and the underworld. The bark of this tree is the original source of the active ingredient in aspirin, and... more