
Elder ( Sambucus nigra)

Sacred to Frau Holda, Elder has been considered a strong magical tree for centuries, strongly associated with witches and faeries alike. 'Old Lady of the Elder trees, please give me... more

Heather (Calluna vulgaris)

Burn heather and fern and henbane together to call rain, or use sprigs of the heather to sprinkle water on the ground for the same purpose. A sprig of heather carried will attract... more

Lavender (Lavandula officinalis)

Lavender is an herb of ease and succor and the comfort of home. It's used for purification, to ease tensions of the mind and body, in healing spells, and promote fidelity. more

Rose (Rosa spp.)

Roses are the quintessential flower of love, and are perfect for love philters, baths, or incense. These petals are from the French rose first domesticated by the Greeks and Romans and later grown in Medieval gardens. They retain a soft scent and bright color. more